martes, 20 de febrero de 2007

A world filled with details... loosing your admiration span and capacity?

25 de marzo 2004

A world filled with details... loosing your admiration span and capacity?

There are many things that make me laugh. There are many funny things that make me cry.

So, in a modern story devoted to death, glory and emptiness... wouldn't it be nice to help everyone find again their powers!?!?! Those that transform every little thing in a whole new universe?

El mundo está lleno de detalles. Y son esas pequeñas cosas las que me hacen sentir vivo marcando tooooda la diferencia.

La flor de plástico que te dio en un café...

El beso espontáneo en una transitada glorieta o sobre un tope...

La risa del alma que te provocaron sus labios bajo tu ombligo...

Las uñas rasgando comisuras..

Dos segundos,

y un ... "adios".

English version

Jorge Suárez
Commercial Director - Writter
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