martes, 20 de febrero de 2007

Self-questioning and my parents house reality.

25 marzo 2004

Self-questioning and my parents house reality.

Here it comes!

Unleashing the beast that she/her has made out in my many realms.

Thanks to all of you the REAL ones that have got to stay in my mind and soul, thanks to you oh! ever present angel that guides my demons into different challenges.

And specially thanks to you all who have gotten to stay, read and got a raid into the turbulent times that I value the most... THE ONES AHEAD.

Special note: I have put them (poems, thoughts and some more puny little essays and stories) in spanish for now... but they will be translated soon.

El pasar de mi camino a través de las disyuntivas solo asusta a los incautos.

Yo no soy un incauto.

El llegar a casa de mi padres siempre es interesante

un ying-yang

Incesante batalla entre el bien y el mal,

felicidad colectiva y la condiciòn humana de la crìtica.

English version

Jorge Suárez
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