martes, 20 de febrero de 2007

Feed my monster...


A KoK message to all the potential recruits and members of our company!!!

Feed my monster...


"Come with us and let it roar free!"


Todos tenemos tu cara...

Tu cara tan sólo da certeza

y nada de culpa.

Ya no puedes engañarte pensando que realmente no importa.

Cada vez que te paras

cada vez que vas y vienes.

Sigues tratando de ver el precio que pagarás por no dejarme salir.



Tu KaraoKulta.

English version

Jorge Suárez
Commercial Director - Writter
Tel.: (52) (33)
Tel/Fax : (52) (33)
CALL TOLL FREE: 1866 5369338
Know our products and services at

I shall be waiting NO MORE!!!! - Story of a fundamentto.

25 marzo 2004

I shall be waiting NO MORE!!!! - Story of a fundamentto.

We are always waiting.

Waiting for the "right person" to come into our lives.

Waiting for the "right job" or "opportunity" to be lingering until we finally realize THAT IS THE ONE!!!

We are always starving for a better world...

WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TODAY?!?!?!?!? Besides being afraid of your GLOW! and LETTING THAT FEAR VOLUNTARILY FREEZE your chance to get a grasp of trascendence.

Escucha la manera en que todo se comunica. Pareciera ser que todo son tan solo "deseos pensados".

Si siempre seremos lo que pensamos, cómo lo manipularemos para llevarnos a caer en ese "cielo" que queremos?

¿Cuándo, cuándo?.... No sé...

Todo parecen ser sòlo "deseos pensados".

¡Llévenme , llévenme ya!

Convièrtanse en FÉ que alimente mis motores y lleve por los caminos.


Corolario: ¿Eres tù EVO?.... LoL.

English version

Jorge Suárez
Commercial Director - Writter
Tel.: (52) (33)
Tel/Fax : (52) (33)
CALL TOLL FREE: 1866 5369338
Know our products and services at

A world filled with details... loosing your admiration span and capacity?

25 de marzo 2004

A world filled with details... loosing your admiration span and capacity?

There are many things that make me laugh. There are many funny things that make me cry.

So, in a modern story devoted to death, glory and emptiness... wouldn't it be nice to help everyone find again their powers!?!?! Those that transform every little thing in a whole new universe?

El mundo está lleno de detalles. Y son esas pequeñas cosas las que me hacen sentir vivo marcando tooooda la diferencia.

La flor de plástico que te dio en un café...

El beso espontáneo en una transitada glorieta o sobre un tope...

La risa del alma que te provocaron sus labios bajo tu ombligo...

Las uñas rasgando comisuras..

Dos segundos,

y un ... "adios".

English version

Jorge Suárez
Commercial Director - Writter
Tel.: (52) (33)
Tel/Fax : (52) (33)
CALL TOLL FREE: 1866 5369338
Know our products and services at

Self-questioning and my parents house reality.

25 marzo 2004

Self-questioning and my parents house reality.

Here it comes!

Unleashing the beast that she/her has made out in my many realms.

Thanks to all of you the REAL ones that have got to stay in my mind and soul, thanks to you oh! ever present angel that guides my demons into different challenges.

And specially thanks to you all who have gotten to stay, read and got a raid into the turbulent times that I value the most... THE ONES AHEAD.

Special note: I have put them (poems, thoughts and some more puny little essays and stories) in spanish for now... but they will be translated soon.

El pasar de mi camino a través de las disyuntivas solo asusta a los incautos.

Yo no soy un incauto.

El llegar a casa de mi padres siempre es interesante

un ying-yang

Incesante batalla entre el bien y el mal,

felicidad colectiva y la condiciòn humana de la crìtica.

English version

Jorge Suárez
Commercial Director - Writter
Tel.: (52) (33)
Tel/Fax : (52) (33)
CALL TOLL FREE: 1866 5369338
Know our products and services at

Hope blisters in the realm of a life story?!?!? Is it you again in my head EVO?!!??

25 marzo 2004

Hope blisters in the realm of a life story?!?!? Is it you again in my head EVO?!!??

Here it comes!

Unleashing the beast that she/her has made out in my many realms.

Thanks to all of you the REAL ones that have got to stay in my mind and soul, thanks to you oh! ever present angel that guides my demons into different challenges.

And specially thanks to you all who have gotten to stay, read and got a raid into the turbulent times that I value the most... THE ONES AHEAD.

Special note: I have put them (poems, thoughts and some more puny little essays and stories) in spanish for now... but they will be translated soon.

Los sentimientos son un recurso no renovable...

Se extraen de los confines de si mismo, destilan y depuran en un abrir y cerrar de ojos; Cuantdo menos te lo esperas tambièn han desaparecido.

¡UTILIZALOS AHORA! o pierde tu oportunidad.

English version

Jorge Suárez
Commercial Director - Writter
Tel.: (52) (33)
Tel/Fax : (52) (33)
CALL TOLL FREE: 1866 5369338
Know our products and services at

Histories sell... while details bore!!!

24 de marzo 2004

Histories sell while details bore!!! Success relies on knowing how to mix them up?

If time was considered to be accounted or measured after the most wonderful and popular story of all times...

Why do we have to stick to old stories that chain us to old results/old times?

Hey! If Mel Gibson might get 300 million dollars for showing us in "The passion" , in BULLET TIME, how blood goes out from everywhere ...Why can't we just play with our minds to make stories that would literally fill our souls instead of just satifying our need of GORE!!!?!?!?

BTW.. can someone please investigate how many liters of blood were really spilled along in the movie?!?!? send them to Damn! Don't we die when we loose two or something?!?!?

In the other hand, being in MEXICO for god's sake! (he he ) how do you dare show this!!! ha ha ha .. even our brightest and prepared people seemed to be repenting in a tortous way or something. A friend of mine said "So you can see at least a bit of how he suffered for us?!?!?" WHAAAAAAAAAAT?!?!?!? I almost punch him in the mouth for that.

The need to know that a great great man, sent by god, (or whatever your BELIEVES are!, no disrespect) had to die horribly for us just don't makes sense for me. Really. That's horribly stupid and passive.

For all of those that felt this like shitty. Sorry. You will see that I have a very special connection with GOD along the way (blog). Hope you really get to see it. For those that not, well... yeah yeah! Im whatever u like it to be! At least I write about it and make gods everyday! Gods in which I believe. God's that come from deep inside to at least show me a message... wasn't that all our need?!!??! Isn't that just one more name for Buddha, Alà, Evo, Christ, Skeeshna or something?!?!??

Or is it really the bullet time sufferer better than the cholesterol filled good ol' progressive thinking man???

Hey! Doesn't matter. We definately have got to stick to something. It exists either way.... our problem?!?!?!??

YOU NEVER REALLY LET HIM OUT. 'Cause you haven't been able to reach it from "within".

Until SIGUR ROS - SYNDIR GUS song eats my heart out....


PD: Aren't all our comics and graphic novels somehow part of this??!?! Aren't they our earthly gods searching for their part in the biggest of all stories?!?!?

Jorge Suárez
Commercial Director - Writter
Tel.: (52) (33)
Tel/Fax : (52) (33)
CALL TOLL FREE: 1866 5369338
Know our products and services at

Friday in my car, Sat. in a sofa, Sun. with her

22 marzo 2004

Friday in my car, Sat. in a sofa, Sun. with her

The beginning of an interesting habit... and maybe a mess! What the heck!

My first KoK weekend described along with some details that might affect some main characters in the "Ftto" project! ha ha ... everything under the influence of a no-sleep-night and 2 expresso shots.


The first time I ever write a blog. (Why Blog and not log?!!? Can someone explain that to me please??!?!?! ... searching mode.)

I hope this format is well used Padilla.. so please punish me if it isnt.

In retrospective, my weekends are a great darn adventure per-se. Guess somehow they are part of our latest project, and may reflect in it eventually. Friday was a great workday for Consultcorp (One of my 3 businesses, check ) my team had interesting sales and some checks came in. Frankly... that gives me air and more time to spend with my KoK team!

Friday night?!?!? ha! Crazy Night! She seemed to know exactly what I needed and made me laugh a lot; didn't show to be a a great dancer but good enough for a classic Sergio's birthday party. I was so tired by the end of the night, that believe it or not.. YES... i slept at my car!!! ha ha ha .. guess my wonderful, huge and almighty bed is still no "motif" for me.

Early in the morning (6:45 AM!) I woke up and got back to the office in order to confirm KoK's members registration in our PAS (Project Admnistration System) , uploaded some projects and files and prepared the rest of the documentation that I needed to present in the weekly KoK meeting. The KoK G4 (KoK Founders group) was incomplete, obviously because we had Eve taking care of Dante. It was a great meeting, a lot of advance was seen and loved their eyes when they saw 2 of our main characters printed in photopaper!!! Guys, we are ready for it! But lets make it happen faster!!! Comicon is waiting!

We spend a great evening with Eve, met Dante and saw the instant-love-eyes that only god can put in Estelas face everytime she sees him. God I really love to see that.

KoK Brothers were as always ready to keep on working, specially KoK brother Polo, I admire your work kid!... along with it and as a brake we saw, "Underground" the movie ! God what a movie! -Isnt Selene great I mean?!?!? I don't want to mention the details of that night, but imagine a combination of a homeparty a disco flocked with mature gorgeous women hanging around us and a night in the sofa because a friend of mine got "crazy" with a non-so-cute lady that almost stayed over! Fuck.... !

Anyway... SUNDAY.. what a SUNDAY!

It was an awsome morning after kicking them out of my space, READ MARK MILLARS ULTIMATES -Patriotic??!?!?!? and stinky sometimes.. but still quite good, enjoyed the raid! I saw BLOOD (awsome japanese vampire series! Imagine me naked in an apollo sort-of-greek-statue-postion (LoL ...) , with my projector and great sound! What an experience!) Fell asleep after it finished but not without confirming that i would see her at 9:30!!!! F... If it wasn't because I fell asleep I would have felt it like an eternity.

I shouldn't be devoting many lines to her maybe, but hey! its worth it. She arrived at 9! Did I mention how great is to see her eyes and feel her non-so-naive tenderness?!?!? Well it is. Guess what she brought?!!? THE UNDERWORLD DVD again! ha .. isn't that a coincidence i needed to see it again! I confess it KoK Bro's!!! This was much better that the first time! 2 Shots of coffee box expresso's and 2 weirdo shakes got us along a wonderful night! Hey... a night creature I am.. a night creature she is... what else can I ask for?!?!?!? Somehow Craig David's "Rendevous" got along and the rest of the night flew away while I worked at the KoK Site while hearing David Seaman's mix that ends up with the most beautiful GORECKI! from Lamb... is that a KoK Song or What!!!! 4 Those of you who wonder that it might have been her fault... mhmmmmm... It wasn't her.. it was the virus that she left along! ha ha...;) hey... KoK capitalized from that! believe me. Although page 10 of "Ftto" and jeziel's drafts keep looking at me in amazement.

Until next time...

KoK Yorgenmeister.

PS: Did I mention I didn't even sleep a bit?!?!? Gosh I feel great. LoL.

Yorgenmeister Rules, Codes and important notes to understand his blog

22 marzo 2004

I am only going to state this in order to show some respect to those wonderful people that spend some time with me and eventually hang in there to face and know what really lies "within" my KoK soul.

Thanks to all of you for being and staying.

Yorgenmeister Rules, Codes and important notes to understand his blog

  • I will never state a female name unless I consider it necessary, if you urgently want to know if my use of HER/SHE is a REAL HER/SHE or an IMAGINARY HER/SHE or even the same one from log to log.. ha ha.. spy me all day and all night! and stop bugging me!. She is simply GREAT! So stop whining. We are just the couple that you have always wanted and never had, sorry to tell you.
  • Sexual and adult content could be explicit so please don't keep on reading if you can't bear that someone's reality/context could be better than yours or very different! (ha... again)
  • Situations, contexts, contents and persons could be fictious. Isnt this KoK anyway?!?!?
  • EVO, PHOEHAR, the SHE/HER element and all the names and characters of the FUNDAMENTTO UNIVERSE or any other universe created within KoK are entities whose rights are RESERVED to KaraoKulta S.C. and the members of its association.

Thanks... enjoy your KoK in the mirror of ours.

lunes, 19 de febrero de 2007

Quién lo iba a pensar... a meserear!

Bueno bueno..

Después de una semana de caos y perdicion (como cualquiero otra ;) ) encontré la experiencia de meserear gracias que mi partner, El pollo (Oscar Valencia) me pidió le echara la mano en el Gulalá! (Ver en donde estamos armando algo asi como una "experiencia de excesos sin remordimiento".

Ya la había hecho de DJ antes ahi mismo, pero teniendo baja de personas y atender a mas de 120 que fácil estan en especial las noches de mie, vie y sabado! pues en verdad que ah! como aprende uno... y ah! como vende una sonrisa y hablarle por su nombre a las personas.

En definitivo, si, el sonido más dulce para sus oidos. Pero lo mejor de todo es que me tocó de alguna u otra forma, colaborar y ver como funciona un restaurante-bar para que la gente pueda estar bien servida y atendida... es una friegaaaaaaaaa! ha ha ha y uno sentadito como cliente nunca se da cuenta! que chulada no?

Por otro lado, tuvimos una semana llena de desarrollo...
  1. Un sabrozo comienzo con citas
  2. un seminario a media semana sobre "como armar la propuesta de valor" poderosa que estamos haciendo para innox! (ver
  3. Innocamp con el Juan Pablo Fernandez para hacer lo que serà un proyecto de riesgo a vender a apple! o por lo menos con potencial interesante de ingreso pasivo! ah pa sesion mi JP!
  4. Citas ... de las cuales con Bansí se está armando interesante su diseño en DAM, ya lo verán después.. de entrada algunas cosillas en mi canal de Youtube... o en el de dam162. (Ver
Y ahorita tengo que partir en friega para la junta de inicio de semana ... mis padres van llegando de colima porque mi hermana estuvo en un retiro.. (ha.. de sor mariana tiene lo que yo de quimico astrofìsico nuclear.. pero wow.. que chido no?)

Tengo mas de mil detalles y reflexiones atoradas en mi mente... sigo sin irlas bajando comforme las voy pensando.. ya me acostumbraré a esta herramienta pues...

Animo.. saludos a todos..

El que pelea una lucha más ... jamás... jamás ... será vencido.

Yorgenmeister Yorch

martes, 13 de febrero de 2007

Dime de donde vienes... en imagenes!!! Susto! :)

Bueno pues aqui les dejo una probadita de el contexto donde vengo... por lo menos del lado Suárez.. ya les presentaré a los Basáñez.

Ah que cosas no?!?!?

Y porque tan "pasheco" el nene si ha tenido una vida feliz?

... ha.. te dejo las respuestas!


lunes, 12 de febrero de 2007

Dime de donde vienes... y te diré porqué eres tan "pacheco"

La historia de un loco apasionado en progreso... versión porno!

El BIOS del Yorgenmeister Yorch:

A quién no le gustan las historias?

Y por si no fuera poco... a quién no le gusta comprender mucho del presente?

Bueno pues por eso puse esta parte como mi primer blog. Que hueva dirían algunos! No voy a negarlo, igual y si. Pero me ayudaría para que comprendiéramos poquito del contexto dentro de las siguientes publicaciones, que estoy seguro, tendran mucho de retórica, muchas groserías y 3 patadas a la razón.

Por fin me decidi a que este fuera un espacio libre de mis obligaciones "empresariales" y de las "apariencias" que todo mundo gusta dar o que "tengo" que dar.

Bah! bienvenido a the freeland nation... la colaboracion, involucramiento y al compartir sentimientos, emociones y las cosas asi.. nada mas.. como son! de momento.. si quieres dejarme recado y discutir... super! si quieres indagar más... bienvenido! indagemos juntos.. si no?!?!? gracias por haber participado.. listo. ;)


En corto.. y para irse modificando después...

  • Soy chilanguito light .... nací el 2 de marzo del '76... asi que hagan sus apuestas!
  • Hijo de veterinario (Dice mi madre que por eso siempre se me ha tratado como anima! ha ha ... ya ni que decir ;) )
  • Hijo de educadora (tengo mas de mi madre que de mi padre en mucho de mi, ya iremos platicando de eso...)
  • Soy piscis.. (sea lo que sea que eso signifique.. si ... lo sentimentalote, apasionado y soñador lo exhudo... será normal tanta coincidencia con lo ché astral?)
  • Amo nadar
  • Amo discutir y diferir
  • Amo explorar psiques y pensamientos
  • Amo extirpar almas, desnudarlas y regresarlas a su lugar
  • Amo emprender
  • Amo la innovación
  • Amo hablar en público
  • Amo formar parte de hermosos equipos (y formarlos wow!)
  • Amo conocer gente... hacer amigos.
  • Amo la literatura
  • Amo los retos
  • Amo el arte
  • Amo la música
  • Amo lo extraño, lo raro, lo diferente... (tengo mis limites claro ;) )
  • Amo el sexo (quien no?!?!? bah.. esa estaba facil! :))
  • Amo a las mujeres... sin duda alguna la más grande creación
  • Focinemuseñador (Fotografo, cineasta, músico y diseñador.... wannabe)
  • Mi sueño es ser un gran papá... y ese señor es un gran empresario en mi mente
  • No creo en la suerte... creo en la causalidad y la fé
continuará.... esta parte .. por via de mientas iré soltando mis demás aportaciones como vengan!
saludos... abrazos!

Yorgenmeister Y.