lunes, 31 de agosto de 2009

Formato de actos o capitulos

Division de 5 actos, capitulos o progresiones del producto, presentacion, juego u obra. Veamos como funciona! ;)

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Metodo en columnas

Los pasos del metodo a prototipar y columnas chikitas para ir poniendo en ellas el resultado de Cada paso.

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Perfil de Cliente y lo que quiere

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Metodo audiencia y contenido definido para la pres.

Por fin avanzando rapido y pensando visualmente ataco mi falta de claridad y le doy sentido a todo rapido :)

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Algunas ideas para CIISA

Mhmmm ideas llenan mis manos ;)

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Ideas para mi taller de CIISA

Comienza mi tormenta de ideas y estructuracion para CIISA

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TonyCol light

Uta! Que combinacion! Susto :0

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Yes pizzerolas r back

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sábado, 29 de agosto de 2009

Ten Great Ways to Crush Creativity

Ten Great Ways to Crush Creativity

Ten Great Ways to Crush Creativity

Leaders have more power than they realize. They can patiently create a climate of creativity or they can crush it in a series of subtle comments and gestures. Their actions send powerful signals. Their responses to suggestions and ideas are deciphered by staff as encouragement or rejection. If you want to crush creativity in your organization and eliminate all the unnecessary bother of innovation then here are ten steps that are guaranteed to succeed.

1. Criticize

When you hear a new idea criticize it. Show how smart you are by pointing out some of the weaknesses and flaws which will hold it back. The more experienced you are, the easier it is to find fault with other people’s ideas. Decca Records turned down the Beatles, IBM rejected the photocopying idea which launched Xerox, DEC turned down the spreadsheet and various major publishers turned down the first Harry Potter novel. The same thing is happening in most organizations today. New ideas tend to be partly-formed so it is easy to reject them as ‘bad’. They diverge from the narrow focus that we have for the business so we discard them. Furthermore, every time somebody comes to you with an idea which you criticize, it discourages the person from wasting your time with more suggestions. It sends a message that new ideas are not welcome and that anyone who volunteers them is risking criticism or ridicule. This is a sure fire way to crush the creative spirit in your staff.

2. Ban brainstorms

Treat brainstorming as old-fashioned and passé. All that brainstorms do is throw up lots of new ideas that then have to be rejected. If your organization is not holding frequent brainstorm sessions to find creative solutions then you are not wasting time on new ideas. Instead you are sending a message to staff that their input is not required. If people insist on brainstorm meetings then make them long, rambling and unfocused with lots of criticism of radical ideas.

3. Hoard problems

The CEO and senior team should shoulder the responsibility for solving all the company’s major problems. Strategic issues are too complicated and high-level for the ordinary staff. After all, if people at the grass-roots knew the strategic challenges the organization faces then they would feel insecure and threatened. Don’t involve staff in serious issues, don’t tell them the big picture and above all don’t challenge them to come up with solutions.

4. Focus on efficiency not innovation

Focus solely on making the current business model work better. If we concentrate on making the current system work better then we will not waste time on looking for different systems. The current business model is the one that you helped develop and it is obviously the best one for the business. After all, if the makers of horse drawn carriages had improved quality they could have stopped automobiles taking their markets. The same principle applied with makers of slide rules, LP records, typewriters and gas lights.

5. Overwork

Establish a culture of long hours and hard work. Encourage the belief that hard work alone will solve the problem. We do not need to find a different way of solving a problem – rather we must just work harder at the old way of doing things. Make sure that the working day has no time for learning, fun, lateral thinking, wild ideas or testing of new initiatives.

6. Adhere to the plan

Plan in great detail and then do not deviate from the plan regardless of circumstances. ‘We cannot try that idea because it is not in the plan and we have no budget for it.’ Keep to the vision that was in the plan and ignore fads like market changes and customer fashions – they will pass.

7. Punish mistakes

If someone tries an entrepreneurial idea that fails then blame and retribution must follow. Reward success and punish failure. That way we will reinforce the existing way of doing things and discourage dangerous experiments.

8. Don’t look outside

We understand our business better than outsiders. After all we have been working in it for years. Other industries are fundamentally different and just because something works there does not mean it will work here. Consultants are generally over-priced and tell you things you could have figured out anyway. We need to find the solutions inside the business by working harder.

9. Promote people like you from within

Promoting from within is a good sign. It helps retain people and they can see a reward for loyalty and hard work. It means we don’t get polluted with heretical ideas from outside. Also if the CEO promotes people like him then he can achieve consistency and succession. It is best to find managers who agree with the CEO and praise him for his acumen and foresight.

10. Don’t waste money on training

Talent cannot be taught. It is it a rare thing possessed by a handful of gifted individuals. So why waste money trying to turn ducks into swans? Hire our kind of people and let them learn our system. Work them hard, keep them focused on our business model and do not allow them to fool around with crazy experiments. Workshops, budgets and time allocated to creativity and innovation are all wasteful extravagances. We know what we need to succeed so let’s just get on with it.

Ok.. ahora en español y sintesis! ;)


Es simple y sencillo... logico también! Estamos de acuerdo? Quién quiere moverse del status-quo finalmente.

1.- Critica todo!!!!! - Demuestra que eres brillante! y señala todas las faltas y debilidades de las propuestas.

2.- Prohibe las tormentas de ideas: Para qué quieres tener juntas frecuentes y largas para obtener soluciones creativas para los problemas de hoy de tu organizacion? A quien le importa... la idea es trabajar mas duro! no mas inteligentemente ni creativamente!

3.- No compartas los problemas con tu equipo: Las situaciones estratégicas de la compañía no son para todo el staff solo para los directivos...a..ha.

4.- Enfócate nada mas en la eficiencia no en la innovacion: El modelo de negocios actual es el que ayudo a que llegarámos a donde hemos llegado y es OBVIO el adecuado para el negocio..mhmmm.sera?

5.- Trabajemos MAS DURO: Hay que reforzar la idea de que el trabajo duro es el que resuelve realmente los problemas.. asi siempre ha sido no?

6.- Hay que apegarnos siempre y religiosamente al plan: Si si si .. a quien le importan las tendencias, lo que este pasando con competidores y el mercado... eso pasará el chiste es apegarse al plan.

7.- Castiga los errores: Celebremos el exito y castiguemos los errores.. es la mejor manera seguramente de fomentar que los demas quieran seguir cooperando con cómo mejorar las cosas! -si como no :S

8.- No veas para afuera... solo adentro de tu organización

9.- Promueve a la gente como tu dentro de la organización: A parte si se promueve gente como tu mismo puedes mantener la consistencia y sucesion de lo que has hecho! (brillante! no? )

10- No gastes dinero en entrenamiento: Nuestos procesos y sistemas son perfectos, contratemos gente como nosotros y que aprendan el sistema.. listo! la ironia!

Me encantó poner esto exactamente al revés.. saben que es lo curioso???? que a veces hasta parece tener sentido!

obvio.. en todas la organizaciones hay "timings" y momentos adecuados para todo.. lo interesante es como cuando uno emprende tiende a perder vista de todo esto y en serio se la cree que eso es mejor!

Total.. sigamos innovando y descubriendo.



Posted via web from The Balancing Act of Innopreneurship and Discovery

lunes, 24 de agosto de 2009

Todays finished meal

Doesn't seem that nice?!? U should have tried it! ;)Y.

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Cocinando y trabajando!

Esto del Internet en laps y iPhone no deja nada bueno. Arroz, furikake, salmon, aguacate y anexo de masago, soya y chile. Suframos pues. Y.

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The whole pic!

Forget about the slow carb?! ;$Udon, rice with furikake and vegetable tempura!Man! I love my cousin! Awesome uh?!?

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Rice with furikake

Y udones ;)Lo unico malo? El @&$@@$?@& calor de Mty !Agh...

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lunes, 17 de agosto de 2009

Conchitas Encanto

Ok back to the slow carb after a do it all eat it all week. Conchas encanto with hot sauce and corn! Last out of the rule meal shit! It looks like dog food ha but tastes like heaven! ;)

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martes, 4 de agosto de 2009

This one goes in english... 10 instant tips to be happier now

By Gretchen Rubin
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Real Simple

(REAL SIMPLE) -- A few years ago, on a morning like any other, I had a sudden realization: I was in danger of wasting my life.

10 instant tips to be happier now

As I stared out the rain-spattered window of a New York City bus, I saw that the years were slipping by.

"What do I want from life?" I asked myself. "Well...I want to be happy."

I had many reasons to be happy: My husband was the tall, dark, handsome love of my life; we had two delightful girls; I was a writer, living in my favorite city.

I had friends; I had my health; I didn't have to color my hair. But too often I sniped at my husband or the drugstore clerk.

I felt dejected after even a minor professional setback. I lost my temper easily. Is that how a happy person would act? Real Simple: How to make positive changes in your life

I decided on the spot to begin a systematic study of happiness. (A little intense, I know. But that's the kind of thing that appeals to me.)

In the end, I spent a year test-driving the wisdom of the ages, current scientific studies, and tips from popular culture.

If I followed all the advice, I wanted to know, would it work?

Well, the year is over, and I can say: It did. I made myself happier. And along the way I learned a lot about how to be happier. Here are those lessons.

1. Don't start with profundities. When I began my Happiness Project, I realized pretty quickly that, rather than jumping in with lengthy daily meditation or answering deep questions of self-identity, I should start with the basics, like going to sleep at a decent hour and not letting myself get too hungry.

Science backs this up; these two factors have a big impact on happiness. Real Simple: 34 low-cost, make-you-smile ideas

2. Do let the sun go down on anger. I had always scrupulously aired every irritation as soon as possible, to make sure I vented all bad feelings before bedtime.

Studies show, however, that the notion of anger catharsis is poppycock.

Expressing anger related to minor, fleeting annoyances just amplifies bad feelings, while not expressing anger often allows it to dissipate.

3. Fake it till you feel it. Feelings follow actions. If I'm feeling low, I deliberately act cheery, and I find myself actually feeling happier. If I'm feeling angry at someone, I do something thoughtful for her and my feelings toward her soften. This strategy is uncannily effective. Real Simple: Small, helpful gestures with big impact

4. Realize that anything worth doing is worth doing badly. Challenge and novelty are key elements of happiness.

The brain is stimulated by surprise, and successfully dealing with an unexpected situation gives a powerful sense of satisfaction.

People who do new things -- learn a game, travel to unfamiliar places -- are happier than people who stick to familiar activities that they already do well.

I often remind myself to "Enjoy the fun of failure" and tackle some daunting goal.

5. Don't treat the blues with a "treat." Often the things I choose as "treats" aren't good for me. The pleasure lasts a minute, but then feelings of guilt and loss of control and other negative consequences deepen the lousiness of the day.

While it's easy to think, I'll feel good after I have a few glasses of wine...a pint of ice cream...a cigarette...a new pair of jeans, it's worth pausing to ask whether this will truly make things better.

6. Buy some happiness. Our basic psychological needs include feeling loved, secure, and good at what we do.

You also want to have a sense of control. Money doesn't automatically fill these requirements, but it sure can help.

I've learned to look for ways to spend money to stay in closer contact with my family and friends; to promote my health; to work more efficiently; to eliminate sources of irritation and marital conflict; to support important causes; and to have enlarging experiences.

For example, when my sister got married, I splurged on a better digital camera. It was expensive, but it gave me a lot of happiness.

7. Don't insist on the best. There are two types of decision makers. Satisficers (yes, satisficers) make a decision once their criteria are met.

When they find the hotel or the pasta sauce that has the qualities they want, they're satisfied. Maximizers want to make the best possible decision.

Even if they see a bicycle or a backpack that meets their requirements, they can't make a decision until they've examined every option.

Satisficers tend to be happier than maximizers. Maximizers expend more time and energy reaching decisions, and they're often anxious about their choices. Sometimes good enough is good enough.

8. Exercise to boost energy. I knew, intellectually, that this worked, but how often have I told myself, "I'm just too tired to go to the gym"?

Exercise is one of the most dependable mood-boosters. Even a 10-minute walk can brighten my outlook.

9. Stop nagging. I knew my nagging wasn't working particularly well, but I figured that if I stopped, my husband would never do a thing around the house.


If anything, more work got done.

Plus, I got a surprisingly big happiness boost from quitting nagging.

I hadn't realized how shrewish and angry I had felt as a result of speaking like that. I replaced nagging with the following persuasive tools: wordless hints (for example, leaving a new light bulb on the counter); using just one word (saying "Milk!" instead of talking on and on); not insisting that something be done on my schedule; and, most effective of all, doing a task myself.

Why did I get to set the assignments?

10. Take action. Some people assume happiness is mostly a matter of inborn temperament: You're born an Eeyore or a Tigger, and that's that.

Although it's true that genetics play a big role, about 40 percent of your happiness level is within your control.

Taking time to reflect, and making conscious steps to make your life happier, really does work. So use these tips to start your own Happiness Project. I promise it won't take you a whole year.

Found this from Alltop (yup Guy again ... pushing it through ;))...

And well... gotta empasize this!
" 4. Realize that anything worth doing is worth doing badly. Challenge and novelty are key elements of happiness.

The brain is stimulated by surprise, and successfully dealing with an unexpected situation gives a powerful sense of satisfaction.

People who do new things -- learn a game, travel to unfamiliar places -- are happier than people who stick to familiar activities that they already do well.

I often remind myself to "Enjoy the fun of failure" and tackle some daunting goal."

Gosh.. 4. HAD to be a hit in my blog wasnt it?

Not much left to say.. just as always, i keep on wondering where the yorgenmeister (the dude thats inside not the one always thinking on business and outer stuff) is gone now?

Gotta let him out a bit.. mhmmm.. some poetry? some happiness was sparkled when I received this.

Everything's causal.. not casual.

Over-Exposure ultimately has a very high criticism and failing component.... gosh.. i gotta do it again.. i gotta share.

Keep innovating.. keep discovering (within yourselves too!)

Cheers... Y.

Posted via web from The Balancing Act of Innopreneurship and Discovery

Innovación en Marketing sin duda.. o .. rollo situacional?

Marketing & Advertising Published on 4 August 2009 in Marketing & Advertising

If billboards can be used to give out free samples of scarves, caps and gloves, why not a little sympvertising in the form of a branded dinghy? Which is just what Indian mobile provider Aircel recently did in Mumbai in the days leading up to this year's monsoons.

Aircel's billboard, erected by outdoor agency Primesite near Mumbai's Milan Subway, bore a large, inflated dinghy along with the line, "In case of emergency, cut rope." And on July 15, such an emergency did indeed arise when monsoon floods made the Milan Subway virtually impassable. The rope was cut on Aircel's billboard, the boat was released, and stranded pedestrians were ferried to safety. The result? Near constant local media attention for Aircel, even including the headline, "Aircel did what [government agency] BMC did not." Reportedly, Aircel now plans to implement something similar in Delhi and Kolkata as well, according to afaqs.

Beyond generating free publicity, of course—glowing as it was—Aircel's effort is also a prime example of the corporate generosity that's increasingly being expected by today's consumers—referred to by our sister site as Generation G. Whether it's helping wildfire victims find a bed for the night or generating support so financially strapped families can keep their homes, there are countless ways companies can show that they care. Help consumers, and you help yourself! ;-)

Impresionante que esto esté brindando ahora una publicidad positiva. Finalmente .. ha salvado vidas y se ha puesto en boca de millones (es india recuerdan?)

No mas palabras.

Sigamos innovando y descubriendo...


Posted via web from The Balancing Act of Innopreneurship and Discovery

lunes, 3 de agosto de 2009

Mi ultimo roomie revolucionario Martin

Decidimos estrenar nuestro rifle en casa. Y no faltaron las anecdotas chuzcas, locuras y poses revolucionarias de algunos cgbots. Aqui algunas de la serie ;)Saludos Y.

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Mi roomie Gomer

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Mi roomie chava

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Comiendo con Rodolfo :)

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